Our goal has always been to provide a clean, safe, nurturing and secure environment where children can explore, develop and grow. Because we are a Keystone Star 4 facility, we already had many of the now recommended practices for health and safety in place long before the pandemic. Health and safety of every staff and family in our center is our primary concern and we continue to take every precaution we can to prevent potential exposure or spread of COVID-19. As we continue to update our policies we review all guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): CDC Childcare and K-12 Guidance.
Our Process:
We feel that it is very important for the teachers and the parent/guardian to maintain as much contact daily as possible while children are in care. To minimize classroom exposure, teachers will meet families at the classroom door to drop off their children. Parents will not enter the classrooms and staff will practice social distances of 6 feet as much as possible while speaking with families.
In addition to our current hand washing policies and procedures ALL children must wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds upon entering the center before they are permitted to engage in any activity . Additionally, staff will follow the same policy and wash hands not only when entering the building but anytime they enter a new classroom.
The facility had cleaning procedures in place prior the pandemic which we will continue to use. Sanitizer and disinfectant are made using the EPA recipe for Clorox. These are made fresh daily. Each classroom and restroom have the appropriate soap and water bottle and sanitizer or disinfectant and are used throughout the day to clean and sanitize/disinfect surfaces. Door handles are sprayed with an aerosol disinfectant throughout the day. Additional cleaning procedures include but are not limited to: (all staff are trained on cleaning procedures)
Toys that are mouthed are removed from rotation and place in a “dirty toy” bucket. Toys in this bucket are cleaned and sanitized each day at lunch and close of business before being returned to rotation.
Children and staff wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water upon entering the building each morning, after using the restrooms, before and after playing with sensory materials, after playing outside and before and after all meals.
Restrooms and changing areas are cleaned and disinfected using a bleach solution after every use. Additionally, gloves are worn when changing diapers and/or pull ups on every child. Gloves are discarded after every use.
Tables are cleaned and sanitized before and after all meals.
The center is cleaned and disinfected each night after closing by a janitor.
Due to the pandemic the following procedures have been added:
Door handles are disinfected after dropping off and pick up times throughout the day.
Parents/ guardians/ Visitors must wear a mask while in the building and may not enter any classroom.
Restrooms and common areas are cleaned and disinfected during nap time in addition to their regularly scheduled times throughout the day.
Signing sheets have been removed and only Tadpoles is used by staff to record children’s attendance.
Sensory items that cannot be disinfected such as playdough is removed from classrooms with younger children for the remainder of the pandemic.
Dramatic play items that must be disinfected after each child’s use such as utensils, food and clothing are removed from classrooms for the remainder of the pandemic
All windows in the classrooms will be opened so fresh air can be circulated when children are outside.
Additionally, anytime weather permits the classroom windows will be open to allow fresh air to circulate.
You have been notified that a child or adult in the center has tested positive for Covid.
Tuition will be modified at a rate of 50% for the days the classroom or center is closed only.
The persons directly exposed will quarantine for 5 days.
The persons directly exposed will test on day 5.
If the persons exposed have a negative test and have no symptoms, they may return to care on day 6 with a well-fitted mask for the following 5 days.
Any child 3 years and above who is not able to keep a well-fitted mask on may not return to care. Masks may only be removed for meals.
Children under the age of 2 years may not wear a mask in the facility and therefore must be out the full 10 days.
Children 2 years of age are not able to keep a well-fitted mask on their face and therefore must be out the full 10 days.
If the person exposed has not had symptoms and tests positive on day 5, they may not return to the center for the following 10 days.
If the person exposed is symptomatic and tests positive on day 5, they may not return to the center for 10 days following their first onset of symptoms.
If a child or staff cannot test for any reason, they may not return until day 10 and must be symptom free including fever free for the previous 48 hours without the use of medicine.
If a child has tested positive in the previous 90 days, they cannot retest but may return on day 6 if they are symptom free and with a mask for the following 5 days.
You or someone else (not the enrolled child) in your home has have tested positive for Covid 19 or has been directly exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.
Notify the center.
Pick up your child if they are in attendance.
No one from the household is permitted to enter the center.
If it is an exposure and the exposed person tests on day 5, is negative and symptom free, the enrolled child may return. No testing is needed.
If the person is positive or was exposed and tests positive on their day 5, the child will not be permitted to return until their own testing and quarantine is completed. This will begin after their last day of exposure to the positive case.
Tuition will not be modified.
Confirmation of the child’s positive test must be in the child’s file to apply. Additionally, the child must be fever free for 48 hours without the use of medicine and have a doctor’s note to return. “Presumed Positive” cases will not be applicable to the 90-day window.