We have created this page to help answer some questions you may have about joining our team. Our teachers are individuals who are highly motivated and have a true understanding for our field. We welcome you to browse through this Q & A and please feel free to contact us if there's anything we may have missed!
Q: How do I apply for a position with Endless Mountain Learning Center, Inc.?
A: You can simply click here to be directed to our online application.
A: You can simply click here to be directed to our online application.
Q: How often do you hire new staff?
A: Our hiring process varies depending on the current needs of the center. We always welcome new applicants to apply even if specific job postings are not listed.
A: Our hiring process varies depending on the current needs of the center. We always welcome new applicants to apply even if specific job postings are not listed.
Q: Should I apply for my clearances now?
A: We recommend to anyone applying for a position to begin the process of obtaining their clearances and health assessment. If called for an interview, you will be asked to bring these items with you.
A: We recommend to anyone applying for a position to begin the process of obtaining their clearances and health assessment. If called for an interview, you will be asked to bring these items with you.
Q: Do teachers wear uniforms?
A: Yes, all staff of Endless Mountain Learning Center, Inc. wear black polo's embroidered with the company's logo. Upon hiring, staff are provided the first 2 free of charge and then can order additional ones if they like.
A: Yes, all staff of Endless Mountain Learning Center, Inc. wear black polo's embroidered with the company's logo. Upon hiring, staff are provided the first 2 free of charge and then can order additional ones if they like.
Q: Do you offer benefits?
A: Yes, we do! Our benefits vary among positions but include things such as coursework reimbursement and paid holidays. We also pay for the first 30 hours of training for all staff each year.
A: Yes, we do! Our benefits vary among positions but include things such as coursework reimbursement and paid holidays. We also pay for the first 30 hours of training for all staff each year.
Q: Will I stay in one classroom or move around?
A: This depends on the position you are hired for and the needs of the facility. Most teachers who are hired for specific rooms will stay with that group unless they would like to try working with a different age.
A: This depends on the position you are hired for and the needs of the facility. Most teachers who are hired for specific rooms will stay with that group unless they would like to try working with a different age.
Q: Is there room for me to grow?
A: Yes! Our goal is to educate and train each teacher to be the best they can and to help them move into the positions they strive for.
A: Yes! Our goal is to educate and train each teacher to be the best they can and to help them move into the positions they strive for.
Q: I have worked in other daycares, are the routines basically the same?
A: No, Endless Mountain Learning Center, Inc., although licensed by the Department of Human Services, is not a typical daycare center. We are a learning center that focuses on education and quality care with a team of trained professionals. Although you may have experience working in a traditional daycare setting, you will have the opportunity to learn new things with us!
A: No, Endless Mountain Learning Center, Inc., although licensed by the Department of Human Services, is not a typical daycare center. We are a learning center that focuses on education and quality care with a team of trained professionals. Although you may have experience working in a traditional daycare setting, you will have the opportunity to learn new things with us!